Month February 2012

Which type of diabetes needs insulin?

Diabetes of Type 1 requires supplemental insulin because the beta cells found in the pancreas are unable to produce insulin required by the body. However some diabetics of Type 2 may also require insulin that depends on the peculiarities of… Continue Reading →

Easy way to prepare diabetic spicy meatballs

Ingredients Method of Preparation Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Roll into equal sized balls and fry till brown in corn oil. Drain on paper towels and serve the spicy meat balls.

Which body systems are affected by diabetes?

Diabetes is a very serious disease with not controlling it leading to damage of the eyes, nervous system, heart, kidney and liver. Diabetes damages the blood vessels in the eyes leading to glaucoma, cataracts, structural changes to your retina, even… Continue Reading →

Learn how to cook healthy and tasty apple pie without

Learn how to cook healthy and tasty apple pie without sugar Ingredients Method of Preparation Mix apples with all the ingredients till all well coated. Pour into pastry shell and top with pastry. Bake them at 425 degrees for about… Continue Reading →

What is the difference between insulin resistance and diabetes?

Insulin resistance occurs in most obese children and adults that have bigger waists than hips. Overweight creates a greater need for insulin in the body to keep the blood sugar level normal in the body. Timely corrective steps like an… Continue Reading →

Procedure to make delicious strawberry pie without sugar

Ingredients Method of Preparation Slice berries. Cook 1 cup of 2/3 cups apple juice for about 3 minutes and mix cornstarch to it. Stir in berries. Stir constantly 1 minute until it is thickened. Spread softened cheese over the pie… Continue Reading →

What is the difference between hypoglycemia and diabetes?

Both diabetes and hypoglycemia are abnormal blood sugar levels conditions, with hypoglycemia meaning low blood sugar level, while diabetes signifies blood sugar that is high. , the levels are too low blood sugar levels are too high. The symptoms of… Continue Reading →

Easy way to prepare a sponge home made diabetic cake

Easy way to prepare a sponge home made diabetic cake Ingredients Method of Preparation Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cook raisins in water until all the water is absorbed. Add applesauce, eggs, sweetener, cooking oil to it and stir… Continue Reading →

What happens if diabetes goes untreated?

Diabetes if untreated could lead to life threatening health problems. It could lead to diabetic neuropathy with damage of nerves that would cause pain and numbness in the feet, legs and hands and lead to limb amputation in serious cases…. Continue Reading →

What are the side effects of gestational diabetes?

The first side effect of gestational diabetes is a new-born of excess weight and size causing delivery problems, calling sometimes for C-section and other special procedures. These procedures could cause nerve damage, fractured bones and sometimes even brain damage to… Continue Reading →

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