No, they are different. Hypoglycemia refers to the condition where the pancreases make more insulin than the body can use and this leads to low sugar level. This shows up as low blood sugar with shakiness, sweating or clammy feeling, or mental confusion. Additional glucose need to be given with also healthy mid meal snacks that help stabilize blood sugar level and prevent severe hypoglycemic events.

Diabetes is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin. Type 1diabetes starts off in children and young adults with their pancreas not producing insulin, while Type 2 diabetes signifies that a person becomes insulin resistant and is unable to use insulin effectively. A sedentary life-style with obesity and overweight can be leading causes of this diabetes.

Hypoglycemic need to be more prudent to avoid sugar fluctuations and keep sugar candies or juice handy at all times and be well informed about the symptoms to deal with critical situations effectively.