Though diabetes is all embracing in its sweep, much about the disease is really unknown in spite of the prolonged researches to find out its cause and cure. It is only through persistent research and untiring zeal that diabetes can be controlled and methods found to contain and cure it. Blood glucose levels can thus be controlled and the best ways to inject insulin in to blood can be devised.

Newer and Better Medicines

It is only diabetes research that can unravel better medicines for control and even give clues for the prevention of the disease even at the initial stage. So you have to look up to research organizations expecting something great to happen in the near future. One such diabetes research organization is the FDA. There are also others like Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation or the DAREF and also Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Diabetes research is not only conducted in advanced countries like the US, Australia and UK but in all parts of the world and areas prone to the disease. Efforts and research is being made to find vaccinations to fight auto immune response that triggers Type 1 diabetes, genetic engineering to produce liver cells that secrete insulin, stem cell research and many others.

More diabetes research is being done by using cinnamon to bring down blood sugar levels. The US Department of Agriculture?s Human Nutrition Research Centre has isolated one of compounds of cinnamon that lowers blood sugar level. Diabetes research has thrown up newer means of treating diabetes. It is likely to make inhaling insulin possible instead of getting great benefit and boon to children who are averse to and terrified with injections that perturb them.

The never ending and persistent research on diabetes for better treatment methods, control, and cure will surely yield good results in the not distant future and the disease will be sorted out once and for all.