Families and patients play a large part in controlling diabetes. It is very easy for the lab technician to detect diabetes and pharmacies are full of medicines for diabetes while doctors can detect any complication likely to happen and treat it and also cure it. It is only the diabetic who should regulate himself and play the part of a nurse and not the doctor. Deviations from prescriptions may cause serious trouble resulting in death. Temptations to break the diet schedule, lethargy in doing exercise and irregular dosages and not keeping to the time are also causes for death in many cases.

People derive rich dividends by keeping diabetes under check and control. They can carry on any profession and children prosecute their studies and benefits. But other diseases like cancer do not allow individuals a life of their choice. People with diabetes have reached the acne of their career and represented their nations in the Olympics. Women too have their normal pregnancies while senior citizens lead a healthy and good retired life. The only requirement is a firm determination to follow the prescription of the doctor.

No time limit

Unlike any sudden infection that comes and goes diabetes comes with a warning and a permanent risk. Type 1 diabetes is hereditary and stays for life. It requires daily medicine, relentless control on diet and exercise. Type 2 diabetes though reversible can become dangerous if excess calories are added to the person. You should always be on your guard.

One cannot control diabetes personally, it affects one?s productivity at work, cause, fatal lapses of concentration, crippling expenses, apart form the ultimate threat of death. Diabetes is a pressing public health issue where families and colleagues have a great responsibility. Diabetes can be present without detection without warning symptoms. It is always safe to get a check up within a year, lest it may threaten the security of those depending on them.