Any diabetic would like to cure himself of the disease, prevent it and avoid further complications that may lead to very serious and disastrous complications. A lot of research is being conducted to cure this disease through the National Institutes of Health and centre for disease control.

National Institute of Health and Centre for Disease Control

The former has been conducting research for the cure of diabetes actively but in vain cures for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes have not materialized so far. The later concentrates on containing the damage caused by diabetes after it strikes a person.

A few avenues followed for the cure of diabetes are the transplantation of the pancreas, transplant of islet cells that produce insulin and developing artificial pancreas. Another way is to manipulate genes to make pseudo islet cells by the insertion of human insulin genes into fat or into the cells of the muscles which by themselves do not produce insulin.

The research on a cure for diabetes is on the right track though the challenge is very big as it involves handling and preventing reactions on the part of the immune system. The challenge which is formidable involves maintaining the required number of insulin cells, keeping transplanted cells alive and other similar problems. In spite of all these challenges the progress in research is slow but steady in each field. It is also consistent.

People who think that insulin is a cure for diabetes will be disappointed to know that it is not. It lets the diabetic to live adjustment of insulin intake levels is also not done properly. It is either too much or too little dosage that makes the diabetic lose consciousness, become confused or lapse into coma.

We have no other alternative except to pray for a cure for diabetes as early as possible. Let us hope and trust that all research and effort shall fructify in the not distant future for the benefit of entire mankind.