Diabetes in children is long lasting when compared to that in adults. It does not show any sign of abating. Almost all children of 16 years and below are affected with type 1 diabetes. In most cases of this childhood diabetes the pancreas is affected and it becomes incapable of secreting the much needed insulin. In theses cases the immune system attacks its own tissues and organs and in type 1 diabetes the pancreas is affected as the insulin producing cells are destroyed.

Affects children differently

Though un-common, childhood diabetes affects children differently in different parts of the world. It affects 43 persons in hundred thousand people in Finland while in Japan it is only three out of hundred thousand people. But since thirty years childhood diabetes is on the increase and in Europe and America type 2 Diabetes has begun to affect the youth which may be related to their obesity.

The causes of childhood diabetes are as mysterious as those of adult diabetes. People believe that is could be because of genes and environmental triggers acting together. Family history is found not playing any part in childhood type 1diabetes.

The symptoms of diabetes-thirst, loss of weight, tiredness, frequent urination, pain in the stomach, head aches and problems in behavior. Doctors should check children for long history of illness, pain in the stomach lasting for a few weeks. If the diagnosis is positive he should refer the patient to a childhood diabetes specialist.

It is always better to hospitalize the child rather than go for a general medical practitioner. As insulin treatment is required, a daily regimen is needed by the child in an individual manner.
It is difficult for parents to cope up with childhood diabetes in their child. They must offer solid support to the general practitioner, hospital service, or even social services. This is specifically significant as this type lasts longer than the adult type of diabetes.