If you are living behind 20 years and have contracted type 2 diabetes, probably you would not have had more choices to control your diabetes but to choose a path where in you will have to sit and brood over the mishap. But, today the situation is not so and with advent of various medications and various authentic scientific findings, you can keep the ill effects of your diabetes at bay and lead a near normal life.

More over, in those days, even the medicines prescribed were not of up to the expectations and often you may have to keep visiting your doctor on a daily basis. However, there are few untold secrets with which many diabetic people were able to manage their diabetes in a favorable manner and lead a fulfilling life without succumbing to ill effects of diabetes.

The very first lesson in any diabetes treatment is that drugs are not the only solution for tackling your diabetes problem. Besides keeping your faith on the drugs, you can also additionally try out few alternative methods to fight your diabetes disease. The best ever non-medical solution for your diabetes as well for maintaining a well being is weight reduction and you should start watching your calorie intake with more intent.

The Secret of Calorie Reduction

The moment you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, then that is the day for you to take control over your tongue, because with a healthy diet you can keep all the ill effects of your dreaded diabetes at bay and lead a near normal life. As a diabetic you can stay fit and healthy for many years together provided you take nutritional food and a carefully selected diet that suits your lifestyle. Further, you must also bear in your mind that even these healthy diet can prove to be harmful if you are indiscriminate, because irrespective of the nutritional status of the food you take you are bound to become obese and invite unwanted complications.

If you can stick to your rigorous diet schedule, you can see your extra body weight getting shed in 3 to 4 months time and you will also start feeling healthy with well-maintained blood glucose levels. Further, your low calorie diet may also help you to reduce your diabetes medication doses thus saving you from many of the anticipated side effects of drugs. Once you start your living on low calorie diet, you may no longer feel the blurring vision and your feet numbness would have also gone forever.

However, in an unlikely event of your feeling feet numbness and other specific diabetic symptoms despite your rigorous following of the diet restrictions, then it is better you contact your doctor for any alteration in your diet and calorie intake. Your body weight is directly proportional to your calorie intake and any increase in your weight should be seen as a warning sign and you should start adjusting your diet accordingly. A well-maintained diet schedule with a watch over weight and calorie intake will go a long way in improving your health and maintaining it for an extended period without any exceptions.

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