The whole of medical world is trying to find out an effective cure, but the result is still elusive and as such we do not have any diabetes cure yet. Diabetes is a very complicated disease and it is normally divided into two categories namely Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is known to affect children and adolescents and is considered as mild where as Type 2 diabetes is known to affect adults and is more dangerous.

As of today, there is no effective diabetes cure for both the type of diabetes, and a consoling news could be that the scientific community is about to finalise a cure for type-1 diabetes.

Stages of Research

Type-1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin dependent diabetes. It normally attacks children of young age and adolescents and the main reason for onset of this type of diabetes is due to shortage of insulin. Currently this type-1 diabetes is treated with additional insulin injections and managed with blood sugar monitoring on a continuous basis.

One attempted diabetes cure for this kind of type-1 diabetes that affects children is through undertaking a transplant procedure of islet cells from the pancreas of a compatible donor.

Though this transplant procedure holds promise, it is still in experimental stage only and the success rate is also not to the expected level. There is a rejection rate of around 20% and that necessitates doctors not to try out this procedure on a large scale for treating type-1 diabetes.

And, the bitter truth is that the type-1 diabetes still continues to be without any diabetes cure.
In the other case of diabetes namely type-2 diabetes the situation is different. In this type, though the body may have enough insulin, the insulin could have lost its ability to break the sugar in blood.

So the left out choice for the patient is to take metaformin administration and to maintain a strict diet control to have the blood sugar under check. Unfortunately, many people who are afflicted with type-2 diabetes tend to overlook the treatment advises and land in complications including death.

Few positive discoveries in the offing

Scientific community is always in the process of evolving may new cures and with the advent of nano technology and specialised biotechnology, scientists were able to make very great breakthroughs in the research field and in treating diabetes. One such advancement in treatment for type-2 diabetes is being tried through spleen cells.

The Massachusetts General Hospital Immunobiology Laboratory is trying out the research with spleen cells on mice and in majority of the cases the mice have shown improvements. However, the research will go on for a further period of ten years before the scientists could release the technique for clinical trials on humans.

Another very promising field is gene therapy that can be applied for diabetes cure. The Baylor College of Medicine is in the job of testing the new found procedure where in the cells are injected into the livers of the affected mice and the initial results were promising in the sense that the mice were totally cured of the disease.

A good news is that the above mentioned tests are not the only tests that are being carried out. There are many other researches going on through out the world and soon we may be having a perfect diabetes cure to fight out the disease.

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