You have got diagnosed for presence of diabetes and in such case diet is the first thing that should strike your mind.

As a diabetic, the best diabetes diet you can have is one that will keep the sugar level under check without interfering much in your regular or normal eating habits.

If obese people or people who are over weight are diagnosed with diabetes, then the best diabetes diet will be the kind of diet that can take care of controlling the sugar level as well as enable to bring down the weight, as over weight has a direct bearing on the diabetes related complications.

Moderation is the Key in the Diet of a Diabetic Patient

The person when diagnosed with diabetes should totally avoid food items that are high in fat and starch and as well as food items that are high in sugar levels such as candies, chocolates, cakes, jams, etc.

Though a complete avoidance of these foods may be difficult, the best diabetes diet may include such items in moderation as any strict prohibition may a trigger an acute craving for such foods and lead to unavoidable and uncontrollable temptation in one person s mind.

Hence, many doctors opine that the best diabetes diet should include all the restricted food items and fruits in moderate rations so as to keep the body mechanics from craving and to avoid any emotional shock.

How A Diabetic Diet does its Role

The main concern for the diabetic person is the sugar level in his/her blood and hence the best diabetes diet should be able to check the rise of sugar level in blood.

In order to have a better control over the rising sugar level in one s blood, the diabetic patient should have knowledge about the nutritional values and glycemic index values of the food items that they generally consume.

They should always keep a watch over the amount of sugar that go into their system and the best diabetes diet can be decided based on the presence of limited quantity of saturated fats and foods that are rich in fibres such as fresh fruits, whole grains and green vegetables.

The best advantage of consuming foods with high fibre contents such as dried beans, oat bran, fruits of citrus family, etc., is that your body will reach the satiety level very fast there by reducing the intake of foods.

Whenever a craving for sweets overtakes your mind it is better you take fresh fruits and alternatively you can also go for nuts and seeds that are good for health. You also should note to avoid using oils with poly-saturated fats and use only mono-saturated oils such as olive oil and canola oil, etc., for your regular cooking.

[tags]Diabetes, Cooking[/tags]